Simon McLean

Simon McLean

Simon is the founder of LEAP Scotland and a committee member of LEAP UK
(The Law Enforcement Action Partnership) a global organization of police
officers and other enforcement agencies, officials in our criminal justice system
and many others campaigning for an end to the ‘War on Drugs’. They believe
that decriminalization and regulation are the only way to tackle our drug
problems and impact the organized crime gangs and cartels who profit
currently through violence, and intimidation.
He also co hosts a podcast Crime Time Inc alongside former Depute Chief
Constable Tom Wood, where they revisit major crimes and events of the past
and interview a variety of guests across a wide spectrum in an effort to shed
light on the very ethos of policing in the UK, always bringing first hand
experience and knowledge to the subject.
Simon recently kicked off his own radio show on Sunny Govan Community
Radio, Talking Walking Football with Simon McLean, and with weekly guests in
the studio he explores the benefits of sport to the older generation, both
physical and mentally, whilst gleaning their often untold and fascinating life
stories. 103.5FM. Mondays at 1pm.
Simon is the best selling author of The Ten Percent, a memoir consisting of
stories from the first part of his career as a police officer. From joining in 1978,
being posted in Campbeltown in Argylll, becoming a detective on the Isle of
Bute, through the Serious Crime Squad and working in the busy Glasgow
station in Govan, this is a glimpse of the human side of policing, where
everyone can imagine life behind the Thin Blue Line.
Simon is also a very active fundraiser and campaigner for the Cystic Fibrosis
Trust, having lost his beautiful daughter Louise to the disease in 2011. He
organises and runs events regularly to raise funds for the charity.
Together with coaching WF with Glasgow Life and as the Referee Liaison for
Walking Football Scotland keeping busy is the order of the day.